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I'm Teresa, and I'm glad you found me!

This is my journey from a “keeping up with the Jones’” lifestyle to a complete one hundred eighty degree turnaround in mindset. We have sold our $200,000+ home, I quit my corporate job to stay at home with my son, and my husband left his corporate job to work for a family-owned HVAC company. I am finally at home full time and babysit for a little extra money. We bought a house with my mother to condense our living expenses and learn to budget. Since then, we have been planning out our next step, which is buying a small fixer-upper or building a container home or Barndominium (wherever the wind takes us) with a little land for farming. We will never look back!


After all our changes, our families and friends have become worried for us. Understandable, but a waste of energy, nonetheless. If you are considering a life away from the ‘rat race’, be prepared for many to second guess your decision-making. We’ve been brought up in a society that values material things and debt. The big cities are where the jobs are, sure. But you need to start thinking outside the box. Look at going into business for yourself. Remember the importance, though, of a business based on necessity and not luxury. When times get tough for many (and they soon will), you must have inventory that people cannot live without (i.e. food, natural medicines, useful skills, etc.). I will go over everything that my husband and I are learning, as well as the things we are instilling in our own son. We strive for him to know the value of hard work and not to be caught up in the man-made processes of this world. If you believe that we are created by a higher being, then you must take the steps necessary to get back on your true path in life (hence the name Noble Lane). We are here solely to live off His earth and protect His creation. Sure, it’s alright to find joy in the little things here and there. You must keep up morale. But your life cannot be inundated with pleasure. That would be the inner workings of a darker being.


“Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe.”

-Corinthians 4:4


I would say that I am creating this blog because I enjoy it, but the message is not about that. This collective is a necessity for generations that are not prepared for certain hardships. I aim to bring together the things that I’ve learned (and what I am still learning), to as many people as I can reach. Some may not agree with the things I say, but I will say them nonetheless. I feel it is my duty to bring certain things to light that some may be too busy, or distracted, to consider for themselves. Once one sees the bigger picture in the entirety of their surroundings, they begin to see the absolute importance of this lifestyle. Pinterest (and the entire internet for that matter) is our best friend, and we must do what we can to learn as much as we can. 

I live my life this way because I realize certain unsettling things to be true. We strive to be healthy, not for vain reasons, but because we are faced with toxins on a daily basis. Health, really, is everything. We must be smart about what we ingest and remember the importance of detoxing and exercising daily (if you can). Take care of your temple. I will show you the things that I do and what works for me.


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