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Creative And Natural Ideas For First-Aid (When There's No One Else)

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

If you have stumbled upon my blog, then you know certain things about the world to be true. We will not always have everything readily available to us. Food, water, shelter, safety, and medical care are luxuries that we depend on others to provide for us. If you're smart, then you will find ways to loosen that dependence.

I will point to one area in this article: First-aid. In my research, I have found many incredible ways to administer first-aid utilizing things that are already in my home. I am consolidating all of my information and wrapping it up into a neat little package for you to refer to in times of need.

Think of the possibility of one day not having a phone to be able to call 911, or not having paramedics to call, period. What are you going to do? Who knows, maybe this will never happen. It is better to be prepared for anything than to be totally clueless if/when that time comes, though.

I will go over a few basic first-aid tips as well as list out a few supplies that you should invest in and what they can be used for.....

Basic First-Aid

Open Wounds

Here is a recipe for a healing salve that can be applied to open wounds. The ingredients contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties.

1/2 Cup Refined Coconut Oil

1/2 Cup Almond Oil

30 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

20 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

20 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil

Melt the first three ingredients slowly over a double boiler. Remove from heat and let it cool to warm temperature. Add the essential oils and mix. Pour mixture into 8 oz glass mason jars or lidded tins. Once completely cooled, the mixture will harden. Store with your first-aid kit or in a cool, dry cabinet.

Another quick tip: If you have a substantial bleeding open wound, you can apply Oregano Oil, Cayenne Pepper, Yarrow Flower Powder, or even Rosemary Oil along with pressure in order to stop the bleeding. These ingredients are also powerful antibacterials which will aid in fighting infection. Sutures are considered a last resort. The body has the power to heal itself and should be allowed to do so. Prodding the wound with a needle and thread can run the risk of adding additional exposure to infection.


Running a burn under warm water helps to soothe pain and increase circulation by expanding blood vessels. You can apply the healing salve, aloe vera, or coconut oil to the area and cover with a sterile patch or gauze.


Make sure to lean forward so the blood does not run down your throat. Gently squeeze the nostrils shut to stop the bleeding. Apply healing salve with a q-tip to the inside of the nostrils. Consider using a humidifier with purified water if this is a chronic problem.

Insect Stinger Removal

Use a credit card or dull knife to scrape along the skin. Make sure to scrape in the right direction, otherwise, you will push the stinger deeper into the skin.


Make sure to elevate in order to reduce swelling. If able, interchange hot and cold compress.

Snake Bite

After a snake bite, try to move the person as little as possible. Stay in place if able to. It is good to splint the area in order to constrict movement. The more someone moves, the more blood will flow and then venom will spread more quickly throughout the body. Apply Activated Charcoal liberally to the area or use an Herbal Black Drawing Salve. Here is a great recipe for one:

1 1/2 Tablespoons Castor Oil

2 Teaspoons Beeswax Pellets

1 Tablespoon Activated Charcoal

1 Tablespoon Bentonite Clay

60 Drops Clove Essential Oil

60 Drops Rosemary Essential Oil

60 Drops Lavender Essential Oil

Gently melt Beeswax Pellets into the Castor oil over low heat in a double boiler. Remove from heat and let cool. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Place in an 8 oz mason jar or lidded tin. Keep with first-aid supplies. These products can also be useful for poisonous spider bites.

Heat Exhaustion/Dehydration

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include dehydration, dizziness, flushed face, minor swelling in arms and legs and lack of sweating. Make sure to get the individual out of the sun and drink cold water. They can also either eat something with sugar and minerals in it such as fruit, or you can make your own electrolyte solution. Here is a simple one listed below:

6 Teaspoons Sugar

1/2 Teaspoon Salt (I recommend sea salt or Himalayan pink salt with high mineral content)

1 Liter (or 4.2 Cups) Filtered Drinking Water

Mix all ingredients in a clean jar or bowl. Recommendations for children are as follows:

Children under 2 need a minimum of 1/2 cup after each bout of diarrhea. Children over 2 need a minimum of 1 cup after each bout of diarrhea.

Poison Ingestion

Consuming activated charcoal will bind to toxins in the body and be flushed out of the system. You can add a little water to make a drinkable concoction. This is what they give in hospitals.

Supplies Needed And Their Uses

First-Aid Standards

Bandages of all sizes, rolled gauze, gauze pads, athletic tape, alcohol, alcohol wipes, hydrogen peroxide, vinyl or latex gloves, cotton balls, q-tips. All of these items can be found at dollar stores for very affordable prices. I typically go about once every few months and stock up on these items.

Sanitary Napkins and Tampons

These products make great dressings for wounds in a pinch. Tampons are wonderful for plugging a gunshot wound until it can be properly treated.

Cayenne Pepper

As previously stated, this can be used to treat open wounds and help stop bleeding. It can also be used to promote blood flow during a heart attack. Place cayenne pepper under the tongue to generate more circulation.

Clove Oil Or Powder

This can be used to aid with a toothache. Place the oil or powder made into a paste directly on the affected tooth. It can kill bacteria, infection, and help to soothe pain.

Aloe, Healing Salve, Rosemary, Thyme, Turmeric, Or Oregano

All of these items have powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. They are useful in treating wounds. The rosemary, thyme, turmeric, and oregano can be ingested in order to detox the body or prevent infection.

Natural Pain Relief

Cannabis is great for pain relief and has been used for thousands of years. Legally obtained buds and leaves or organic CBD oil is a great addition to your medical kit. Wild Lettuce is another natural pain reliever. The plant is similar to an opioid, just not as addictive. It is best ingested as a tea, making sure to focus mostly on the stems. This is where the highest concentration of nutrients resides. You can also make your own tincture or elixir. Lastly, this powerful essential oil combination can be used as a natural replacement for morphine:

5 Drops Copaiba

5 Drops Frankincense

5 Drops Idaho Balsam Fir

Size "00" Capsule

Add the essential oils to the capsule and ingest. Take every three hours or as needed for pain. Only ingest oils that are certified organic and therapeutic grade.

Activated Charcoal

This helps to draw toxins and poisons from the body. Not only can it be used as a treatment for poisonous bites and ingestion, but it can be useful as a daily body detox. It will rid the body of "free radicals" and heavy metals. This will strengthen the immune system and sharpen the mind. Simply add a teaspoon to a glass of water and drink.

Parsley Root

This is used for kidney detox. It can treat UTI's and is wonderful for helping to combat kidney disease.

Milk Thistle

This plant will detox the liver. It helps to reduce inflammation and reverse damage.


This can be useful in the treatment of nausea and indigestion. It is also great for detoxing the body and used to combat "viruses".


Along with Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, and Turmeric, Echinacea boosts the immune system and can fight "viral" infections.

These items are all a step in the right direction to bolster yourself against injury, ailments, and disease. I will disclose that I am not a health professional and do not purport to be one. I am simply enabling you to be proactive and find ways to protect yourself in the event of losing common healthcare. I have used some of these products myself with great results. I implore you to consider doing the same.


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