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How To Increase Fertility - In Both Women And Men

If you are currently having trouble trying to conceive a child, then you need to look at your internal processes. Unfortunately, this is becoming an increasing problem for many as the population becomes more and more exposed to harmful foods, substances, and products that create these issues.

My husband and I have faced some fertility issues, and it wasn't until I really sat down and researched the topic that I realized what some of the roadblocks were. I had issues with low progesterone, and my husband had low testosterone. I guarantee most everyone having trouble conceiving are facing these same problems. Progesterone is needed for a strong uterus. A fertilized egg will not be able to easily implant in the uterine wall otherwise. If it does implant, it may result in miscarriage or problems with the placenta among several other things. Low testosterone causes sperm to be less active and give the male a lower count overall. These inefficiencies together can make for an infertile couple.

Luckily there are several herbs, roots, fruits, and vegetables that will help regulate these low levels (in both men and women) and improve your chances of getting pregnant. Please refer to my article on the supplements that I take and why. There are many supplements that you need on that list on top of what I will arrange here. It seems daunting, but you should be taking a lot of these regardless if you are trying to have a child or not. If you are having hormonal issues, it is because your body is being internally affected by what it is being (or has been) exposed to. In order to protect it, you must fill it with things that will strengthen your overall system. That is what this blog is all about. If you are considering hormone replacement therapy, I implore you to try these remedies first. HRT is simply putting a bandaid over the issue and does not cure the underlying problem. It can in turn create more problems down the line. It teaches your body to stop producing these hormones on its own. Then your body becomes dependent on something else doing it for them while being filled with synthetic hormones.

Quick Tip: Some things we also found that lowers testosterone levels are sunflower, soy, and flax. It is also best for both men and women to stay away from other hydrogenated oils (omega-6 fats) such as corn, canola, palm, safflower, grapeseed, and peanut. We have eliminated these items from our diet. It was quite difficult, not gonna lie because some of them are in everything! Make sure you are ALWAYS looking at labels when you buy things.

Exercise and drinking water are important too. You should be exercising at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Also, when drinking water, it should be purified by reverse osmosis (but you will need to up your mineral intake). The best water is alkaline and spring water, but it can be pricey or hard to obtain. Check out some alkaline water filters online. City water is loaded with harmful chemicals that are not only bad for your health, but also for your reproductive system. Here is a great cited article with more information. There's plenty more information on the subject. Take the time to research further.

Here are some of the things we have taken (and still take) that have improved our internal processes greatly:


This helps to regulate hormones in both men and women. It also helps with lactation postpartum. I would advise not taking it while actually pregnant, as it can cause the uterus to contract. It is also great for those with irregular and heavy cycles, as well as women going through menopause.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Even if not trying to conceive, you should be taking this. It is a B vitamin. This helps to cut the risk of fetal issues and aids in cell growth to repair damaged DNA. In men, it can also help to reduce the fat in your blood, thus helping with weight loss (which affects testosterone levels). Please read my article on natural supplements to take and why for a more thorough analysis of this vitamin.


Scientifically proven to relieve menopausal symptoms as well as raise low sex hormones in both men and women. It can also reduce fat cells in the blood and is great for heart health.

Dong Quai

This is a great root that promotes hormonal health. There is a warning that if you have an abundance of estrogen being produced, you should not take it. I would just advise speaking with a specialist. Because of the ferulic acid, dong quai improves sperm quality in men and supports reproductive hormones in women.

Marshmallow (For Women)

Nope, not the fatty, sugary, fluffy stuff. This root (like many of these remedies) has been used for centuries to aid in fertility, postpartum health, and milk production. It also aids and helps to regulate mucus production.

Wild Yam

This can increase libido, stamina, lubrication in women, and more intense orgasms (yay!).

Horny Goat Weed (For Men)

Due to the icariin flavonoids (which helps in cellular transport and cleansing the blood), this plant greatly benefits the creation of testosterone in men and helps with ED by pulling blood to the gonads. The name says it all ha!

Red Raspberry Leaf (For Women)

This has proven health benefits for your uterus. You should be drinking this as a tea while ttc, during pregnancy, during labor, and postpartum. This tea will strengthen your uterus overall, as well as make it more efficient during labor (meaning shorter and possibly less painful). It will also help to regulate your reproductive hormones.


This is a powerful root that boosts egg health, increases testosterone and sperm, and may strengthen muscle tissue (which is good news for your uterus).


Maca is another root that will enhance sexual function and the overall reproductive system, boost energy, and help to regulate glucose tolerance. This can aid to stave off gestational diabetes. This also strengthens sperm in mobility and production.

Cordyceps (For Men)

This mushroom helps to relieve stress. Stress puts pressure on cortisol levels, especially if your body is not equipped to deal with it. Cordyceps also helps with endurance, cell activity, and greatly supports testosterone.

Vitamin E

This is clinically proven to increase sperm mobility and function. It also strengthens reproductive health in women.

Vegan Collagen Builder

I look at this as an overall booster for everything. This helps to regulate every system in your body so every inch of you can work properly. I prefer taking plant-based because it is much better absorbed in the body than animal-based. I take this powder with water, in juice, or in smoothies once a day. My husband drinks this and mixes other supplements along with it. Shop around for prices on this one. Natural Grocers seems to have the best price, but not many people have these stores.

Lastly, I will add to please consult with a professional if you are currently pregnant or nursing. These are proven remedies that have been used for hundreds of years, some longer. I must always stress that maximum results come from using organic (or at least non-gmo) supplements and herbs.


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