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Writer's pictureTeresa

How To Prepare Yourself (And Your Family) For The Years To Come

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

I have written several similar articles to this, but feel I need to update some things as the climate changes. There is quite the fever pitch stirring about. If you're looking into this topic, then you probably feel it as well. I will link all other pertinent articles to this subject, and I would advise you to give them a read.

Those with children

If you have children, it is a good idea to start getting them prepared mentally. Be upfront with them, show them what you are doing, and explain why.

Those with babies need to start thinking about how you will continue to feed and diaper them. Stock up on baby food if you are able to. A cheaper way to do this is by making large batches of pureed food and canning it yourself. Try to breastfeed for as long as possible.

You also need to invest in cloth diapers and figure out how you would be washing them if you do not have working electricity. You can also find several deals from other people on Facebook Marketplace. There are biodegradable liners that will help with the cleaning process.

If you cannot stock up on formula, then look for other alternatives. Babies can apparently start drinking water at two weeks. I would begin supplementing with that. I would try and breastfeed for at least six months if you can. At that point, I would be supplementing with pureed and soft foods, water, coconut milk, and liquid vitamins and minerals. You need to do what you are comfortable with. We mostly stay away from dairy in our house, so I would not be stocking up on cow's milk formula.

I started investing in clothing sizes all the way up to adulthood. A little at a time is easiest, especially if you are shopping at thrift stores, or purchasing entire bags of clothes from people on Facebook Marketplace. As your kids continue to grow, they will always have clothing to wear, even when going to retail stores may no longer be an option.


I've been saving supplements for a very long time, specifically alcohol tinctures and powders since they have a longer shelf life. Usually, when I am at the store for groceries, I'll pick up a few supplements such as vitamin D, detox tinctures, and anything else that may prove to be important. Here is an article about the supplements that I take fairly regularly. You should be thinking about what you really need and what will be crucial for those around you as well. If you have family members that regularly take prescription drugs, you need to start researching how you can replace those with natural medicines. Someday, there may not be an option to cruise over to the Pharmacy. This leads to my next point.

Natural Remedies

You need to start teaching yourself about natural remedies. Here is a great article on how to get started and some things you'll want to look into obtaining. This process can feel a little daunting as there is so much information out there. Start a little at a time and learn the basics first. My entire journey began when my SIL introduced me to essential oils. After that, I hit the ground running and never looked back.

You will slowly learn how internal processes work and how issues in the body can be reversed by detoxing and allowing the body to rebuild itself. That is what homeopathy is all about.


If you have not begun to buy extra food, now would be the time. Even if you are in a low-income household, there are ways to make this work for you. This is an informative article on how to stockpile on a budget. I've included many great tips that I learned over the years, and I've listed out some great items you should focus on. Think about who is in your household. Think about the things that you enjoy consuming. This will allow for a continued standard of living and slowly help you to prepare for that eventual new standard. This will segway into my next topic.


This is a skill that will be great for you and your family to learn together. It's easy to start small and work your way up. I myself am still learning a lot, but I am getting there. Even if you have a small space, producing your own food is very doable. I've seen videos of a woman that lived in an apartment and produced quite a bit of food on her balcony. Truly amazing.

You need to be buying seeds and learning how to harvest seeds from things you grow. Dollar Tree has great deals on non-gmo seeds. You can always find bulk heirloom seed packs online, but they can be a little pricey. Make sure you figure out how to get good, nourishing soil. Start composting and learn to make your own liquid fertilizer. Familiarize yourself with your zone and what you can and can't plant at certain times of the year. It is possible to plant all year long if you do things right, no matter where you live.


There is a lot of information out there about accessing water. Consider investing in a Berkey filter. Many families that live "off-grid" use this as a means of cleaning collected water. It has seemingly one of the best filters out there that lasts for an extremely long time. They are said to last for 6,000 gallons before needing to be replaced. 6,000 gallons can last for a long time when rationing. They have a separate fluoride filter that lasts for 1,000 gallons. Remember, in a scenario where resources are precious, you will not be using your regular amount of water. There are other natural ways of filtering collected water as well that take virtually no money. Do as much research as possible. Consider drilling for well water. Research what aquifers are located in your area. You should be able to find out how far down they are and their substance content. In some areas, it is quite feasible to drill your own well, especially if it is 50 feet or less. Make sure, though, you are digging at least 25 feet down for drinkable water. Hiring a company can be very expensive, but may be absolutely necessary for some. I've seen systems that literally collect water from sand and do not need to go very far down.


Seemingly does not seem that important, but can prove to be in the long run. In an off-grid scenario, going from constant stimulation to nothing can be a shock to the system. You need to start thinking about ways to keep your and your familys' minds occupied. Look into hobbies you can do together. Start accruing those skillsets that will prove to be valuable. Start collecting books and games that will enable you to pass the time. Sitting around staring at the ceiling can deteriorate your mind quickly if you are not careful. Why do you think solitary confinement is so detrimental to prisoners?


Even if your child is presently attending public school, go ahead and start collecting curriculum items to keep their minds at work. Dollar Tree, Target, and Walmart have a great number of affordable workbooks for many grade levels. I've found textbooks for next to nothing at garage sales and thrift stores. Keep this in mind, though: when you are facing a scenario where the world is falling apart, the "basics" become a lot less important. What comes to the forefront is skills that will carry your children into adulthood. These skills are gardening, healing with natural remedies, foraging, working with your hands, and self-defense. If you believe in Divine Creation, then you should be implementing His word in everyday life to prepare yourselves mentally and spiritually. This will also segway into my final point.


This can be a very scary topic to think about, but you must think about it. One of the most important things to do when prepping is to prepare yourself mentally for the things to come. This can be hard for most, as many of us have never been exposed to the true dangers of tyranny. Start becoming familiar with what it means to protect yourself. Learn about self-defense. Learn about your inherent rights as a human being on this earth. Think about what your game plan might be. As I've stated previously, you need to have a plan A, B, C, D, etc. You must be able to constantly swivel and think on your toes. Events are ever-changing, and you never know exactly what the agenda is. We have ideas, but we do not know exactly how things will be implemented. Do more research on ways to keep you and your family safe when there is no one else to do it for you.


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