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Writer's pictureTeresa

How To Treat Hormonal Cystic Acne Naturally

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

I am going on thirty-two now and still suffer from hormonal cystic acne. I usually break out around my chin and mostly during my period. Three years ago, I went to a Dermatologist. She ended up putting me on a low dose of blood pressure medicine that they found actually treated hormonal acne. She specifically told me, though, that accidentally getting pregnant while on it could be very dangerous. Looking back on those moments now makes me realize that I am going in the right direction. Why would I take a risk like that just to clear up some pimples?

Living a more natural life gives you a certain perspective on things. If you come down with anything, you may feel it more when not masked with things like Tylenol and Excedrin, but it gives you a tougher disposition. If something is going on internally or externally, you can find out what your diet may be missing. Getting "clean" can make your body hypersensitive to change. It's really about identifying these issues and finding out how to reverse the problems with changes to foods, supplements, and exposure to certain man-made items.

That being said, I have followed that advice in regards to my own skin problems. Admittedly, I am finally starting to get it figured out now. I will list out a few things that have made huge improvements on my skin. Maybe they will work for you too.


I know you have heard this time and time again, but it is SO TRUE. Eat organic, or at the very least NON-GMO. Stay away from cane sugar and ALL synthetic sweeteners. I try to only consume stevia, maple syrup, monk fruit, coconut sugar, or honey. The minute I even look at a donut, I start to get a pimple. Stick primarily to vegetables and cut down on fruit. Cut down on meat and dairy. Stay away from simple carbs. Even if you think Gluten-free diets are a fad, you should consider looking into the research behind it (especially with the wheat farming practices in the United States). Wheat is not the same as it is in Europe.


All of the skincare I use is organic and naturally derived. This is what you should be using as well.

It seems like a lot, but I use different things at different times. I find several of these products at TJ Maxx for good prices. Other things, like the helichrysum scar removal cream, I make myself. These are all of the products that you should have in your own acne-fighting arsenal:


CBD and Hemp Oil


Rose Water

Witch Hazel

100% Aloe

Activated Charcoal




Bentonite Clay

If I have time, I usually wear a mask around the house almost every day. I either use the charcoal mask or I make a mask by mixing honey and turmeric. Who knew all of these things derived from the earth could be used to heal skin problems? Pretty amazing!

ALL Other Topicals (Anything Applied Anywhere On Your Body)

Everything you put on your body that is not natural (i.e. man-made in a lab) will seep into your pores and wreak havoc on your system, including disrupting your natural hormonal processes. You should be buying (or making) organic shampoo, organic face wash, organic moisturizer, organic lotion, organic make-up, etc....should I go on?


You already know that alcohol is bad for you. If you ingest too much, it will (I say again) disrupt your natural hormonal processes.

I know several women that have serious hormonal issues. Most of them are overweight. Not all of their problems have to do with excessive alcohol consumption but go back to my first point of a bad diet. Most Doctors will go straight to a hysterectomy to treat the problem. This would be a BIG NO NO! This does nothing to solve the underlying concerns. In the long run, it will end up causing more problems. If you are considering going down this road, get a second opinion from a holistic doctor and find out what you can do to reverse the damage that has been done. It is possible, and do not let modern medicine tell you otherwise. Supplements There are several supplements you should be taking in order to regulate your hormones and combat any deficiencies your body has. Here is a great article I wrote, going over all of the vitamins and minerals that I take and why. You should really give it a read. I will add that vegan collagen booster has completely cleared up my cystic acne! The whole reason behind your cystic acne is because you have a disruption to your hormonal system. Once you are able to rectify the situation and detox your body, you will see vast improvements to your overall health and increased fertility if looking to get pregnant. WATER. WATER. WATER. Duh, drink water. Not just any water, though. Drink purified water treated by Reverse Osmosis. You must add minerals back into the water, though. Look into this process further if you do not know why it is necessary. If you can afford to, have a water filtration system installed in your house. This can be costly, but it is worth it. Otherwise, I do not recommend ingesting tap water in any way (at least in the states). Alkaline water is also something you should consider (it is pricey though). Spring water is also a great alternative if you can find a reputable distributor. Disclosure: I am not a medical professional and do not purport to be one. I am simply putting forth information that has helped me with my own skin problems. I see and feel physical changes because of the changes I have made. That is enough for me to never look back. You may or may not experience the same results.


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