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Writer's pictureTeresa

One Week Major System Detox Plan

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

If you take care of your body, then your body will take care of you. It is literally that simple. Your body responds greatly to what you put inside of it (and on it). That is why it is so crucial to fill it with foods, supplements, and products solely from the earth. Your body was made to process these things specifically. Anything made by man will not be absorbed properly because it is not meant to be there. It will create problems in the long term. If you are not eating mostly organic (or at least just NON-GMO), taking organic supplements, and using organic products, then you WILL have chronic health issues.

That being said, if you are interested in turning your lifestyle around, or just need a quick pick-me-up, this is a good way to start. If you are having digestive issues, problems with depression and anxiety, weight gain, chronic headaches, acne, problems with sexual drive, or just sluggish in general, then a one-week detox is something to look into. These are all signs of your body telling you that there is something wrong, and you need to make a change. Of course, that means a perpetual change to your lifestyle after the fact, or your body will simply go back to the way it was functioning before. If you are having serious health issues, I would advise doing this for several weeks in a row, as well as consulting with an herbalist, doctor of internal medicine, or holistic practitioner.

Supplements That Clean Your Blood

This is the first place to start. You should really be taking some of these all of the time to promote constant detox. Read this article to see what I take, and why, on a regular basis. Try to begin incorporating many of these vitamins and minerals into your everyday regimen. This practice will help to rid your body overall of disease and allow your various systems to function properly. It will also strengthen your immune system. Over time, you will find that you never get sick. If you suffer from allergies, those will also eventually dissipate. Here is a list of things that will heavily detox your body:

Oregano Oil, Thyme, Rosemary, Parsley Root, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric

Take at least one of these every day, multiple times a day. After one week of this, switch to at least once a week (preferably once a day). Find ways to incorporate these things into your everyday diet. Sometimes, I'll put turmeric in my smoothies. I'll occasionally place a few drops of oregano oil on my tongue and wash it down with water or juice. I will also put these herbs and roots in my cooking. Many of these can be taken as tinctures. They are best in juice, water with lemon, or smoothies.

Lastly, probiotics are key. You should really be taking them all of the time. This is what will make sure your gut bacteria is balanced. That in turn will help the cleansing process of every system in your body. Nutrients are absorbed through your intestines and carried to your other organs. That is why you've heard that your health starts in your gut.


If you want a real cleanse to jumpstart the process, make an effort to consume at least 80-90% organic. This requires more cooking. You will find that buying organic can still be quite affordable for most. When you go to the store, you will buy mostly fresh produce, some meat and eggs (or plant-based proteins if you're vegetarian/vegan), and healthy snacks here and there (keep these sparse, as this is what breaks the bank). I've been doing a lot of gardening to try and cut down on reliance on stores. I've also been purchasing a lot more produce from local farmers. Their food tends to be better than the imports.

For a week, stick to smoothies, raw salads, and soups. These types of foods will allow your body to easily digest them and flush out your systems. Soups are great for losing weight. Smoothies are wonderful for jam-packing superfoods into your body. Every time I see a good deal at the store, I will purchase a plant-based superfood powder blend. You can find them just about anywhere these days.


Even if you have joint problems, you need to be moving around some. Ease your body into it. Walking, or any type of exercise, for at least 15-30 minutes a day is a must. I work a lot on my computer throughout the day. I will allow myself to sit for about 30 minutes in the morning. After that, I place my laptop on the counter and stand for most of the day. I push myself to stay busy around the house and in the garden, which keeps me on my feet. On top of that, I do little workouts here and there with resistance bands, using my own body weight, doing leg extensions, and core-building moves. Find exercises through Pinterest and Youtube that pertain to your needs and skill level. Here is my compilation of exercises that I've saved on my Pinterest.


Drink plenty of water. I recommend buying alkaline or spring water from the store (if you can find good ones). You should also only be drinking water purified by reverse osmosis, but you must add minerals back into it. We've installed an under-mount reverse osmosis filter at the kitchen sink. They are pretty affordable and not that complicated to install. You can find helpful videos on Youtube. If this is not an option, then you should only drink and cook with purified water from the stores. I cannot stress this enough. City water is loaded with contaminates that WILL cause disease over time. Do more research on this.

Detox Bath

Obviously, this step is best done with filtered water, but some people do not have that option. Load up your water with Epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, and cleansing essential oils such as rosemary, lavender, lemon, clove, and eucalyptus. I recommend doing this a few times for the week and then every so often. This is especially good for when you are starting to feel sick.

Here is an article with more helpful information on how to get started with natural remedies.

Something that would be great to add to this regimen is fire cider. You can try taking a tablespoon per day to bolster your overall detox. Here is how I make mine and what I like to add to it.

It should go without saying, but if you are taking any sort of medication, do your research before mixing it with any type of natural remedy. These remedies and cleanses are meant to take the place of modern medicine, though. If you've read several of my articles, then the notion is not foreign to you.


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