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Writer's pictureTeresa

Reversing Autism Symptoms With Homeopathy

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Well, I've been inspired to write this article after speaking with many mothers faced with the same issues I have experienced. While my son now has mild symptoms, I cannot help but think things would have been much worse if we continued on our original path. I can confidently say that I have seen vast improvements in his behavior and tendencies since changing our family's diet and lifestyle. We will never go back!

If you are dealing with a child that is exhibiting serious behavioral issues, has tantrums over minor setbacks, is walking on their toes, has difficulty connecting to their peers, has difficulty in organized sports, has limited conversation (or is nonverbal), fixates on specific topics, experiences sensory overload, and is repeating words and statements over and over (and other OCD tendencies), then this may be a route for you to consider.

First off, I will not be discussing my opinion on vax here. Do what you're comfortable with. I have said, though, do not leave everything up to doctors. Many people see them as omnipotent, and they really are not. They too make mistakes. If you take the time to look, many published studies suggest that medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the US. If you try and talk with most doctors about "alternative" medicines, they will not hear you. Simply put, do some serious research, and make your own decisions.

Now, below I am listing out the changes we have made as a family and the supplements my son takes regularly.

Eat Organic!

I feel like I state this a lot, but that is how important it is. I find many people tend to think that eating organic means you are trying to avoid pesticides. While this is true, it is more about avoiding genetically modified organisms (or GMOs). If it does not say organic or NON-GMO, then stay away. Research the negative effects of genetically modified foods on the human body. You will be disgusted that these foods are allowed on the shelves. Do not be fooled by sources that have vested interests in the use of these practices, telling you that GMOs are not harmful. Many countries outside of the US have banned the use of these practices. Why? The proof is in the pudding.

The USDA does allow for up to 5% of contamination in organic processes. This is mostly from toxins in the air and any run-off from surrounding GMO farmland. The best route is to buy from local farmers or grow your own food. You cannot escape everything 100%. This is why you follow up with weekly detox. Not only your child, but you as a family should be eating at least 80-90% organic. It can be done if you make smart decisions. Here is my informative article on how to buy organic on a budget. It is filled with great tips I have learned over the years. I plan to do some grocery walks showing exactly how I accomplish this (on pretty much one income). I will post those videos on my TikTok.

No Tap Water

Even if you are using filtered water from your fridge, it is not enough. Tap water is LOADED with harmful chemicals that wreak havoc on your brain health and exacerbate the inflammation that your child is experiencing. Do some research on this. Any heavy metals, specifically fluoride, will have negative effects on the brain. Autism, Alzheimer's, and Dementia are all results of heavy metal toxicity buildup in the brain and poor gut health (I will touch more on this in a little).

What you should be doing for your child (and your whole family) is drinking purified water by reverse osmosis. This is the system that we have installed under our sink. The water tastes amazing! Distilled and alkaline are something you should look into as well. There is an alkaline filter we have purchased that will connect to the APEC system under our sink. If you are drinking reverse osmosis or distilled water, you must up your consumption of minerals since these purifying processes strip the water of most of them. Spring water is another great option if you can find a reputable company that filters the water properly.

No Gluten

I found a great saying about gluten and Autism: feeding an autistic child gluten is like pouring gasoline onto a fire. I have found that wheat processing in this country is very different from other countries. The gluten content in our wheat, specifically, is much higher than that of Europe. This is why they can eat bread, pasta, and pizza without the amount of weight and health issues that you see here in the US. When doing research, you will find that your child's gut (and the lining) has some issues. I will touch more on how to balance that out in a little bit, but you need to start with this. When your body receives too much gluten (or proteins contained in certain grains), your body cannot process it properly. Over time, it can cause things such as leaky gut. Leaky gut is exactly what you think it is. Someone with an autoimmune disorder, such as autism, already having compromised gut health, can further their disorder and cognitive symptoms by eating items such as these. Your body is all connected. Anything that goes wrong in the gut, over time, will result in negative effects elsewhere. Your gut is where the height of nutrient absorption happens. This will just go into my next topic...


This is the best way to help regulate your child's gut health (or microbiome). Once everything begins to become more balanced, you will see vast improvements in your child's cognitive abilities. There are many different probiotics on the market. Just make sure you are checking and researching ingredients. Right now, I currently give my son a little ACV in his juice and back it up with other herbs and supplements that are antimicrobial (things like garlic, ginger, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and cinnamon). Incorporating these into their everyday diet is great over time.

Something you should also look into concerning gut health is a parasite cleanse. A staggering amount of people in the world have harmful parasites that cause numerous problems in the body. You will be shocked to know that those suffering from autoimmune disorders have them due to the conditions of the body being a perfect environment to house the parasites. My son takes an intestinal cleanse from Choice Health Formulas. It contains things such as black walnut, orange peel, lavender, clove, and wormwood. Do more research to find out if this is right for your family.


Your child should not be consuming any synthetic or processed sugar. You will see these in products like Gatorade, sodas, candies, most ready-made snacks, and almost anything that says "sugar-free". Your child should be consuming a minimal amount of sugar overall. You can replace it with things like honey, stevia, monk fruit, and xylitol. If your child likes to snack, there are many recipes that utilize gluten-free and sugar-free ingredients. If you buy these items at the store, you will spend A LOT of money and they tend to have some unsavory ingredients such as stabilizers, gums, and bad oils. You are so much better off making them yourself. Here is an article with several snack ideas to get you started.

Minimal Carbs

Many have said that a keto diet is great for those suffering from autism. I tend to agree, but it can be very difficult to keep that going for a young child. I will say that if your child is going to eat carbohydrates, make sure they are complex carbs and not simple ones. Peas, beans, certain whole grains, fruits, seeds, nuts, and vegetables are great options. Some no-nos would be enriched white rice, sugars, corn syrup, wheat pasta, most cereals, baked goods that contain wheat, and juice from concentrate.

Cut Down On Omega 6 Oils

Things like soybean, safflower, sunflower, canola, vegetable, grapeseed, and peanut oils have all been overly processed and cause inflammation in the body. Once you start making a point to glance at labels, you will see these oils are in EVERYTHING. Specifically how these oils are extracted and treated is what makes them so inflammatory. I won't even get into what "vegetable oil" actually is though. Do your due diligence here. There are still some great options out there such as the omega 3 oils. Olive, avocado, sesame, and coconut oils are wonderful alternatives. Overall, you want to keep your ratio of omega 3 consumption higher than omega 6 for a balanced diet.

On top of using these oils in my cooking, I give my son a tablespoon of MCT oil daily. Omega 3s help to protect and strengthen the brain. Your body cannot produce these fatty acids on its own, so they must be obtained from what you consume. They help to prevent many diseases (many that affect the brain). This is because they are found in high concentrations in the brain and nervous system when consumed. They are important for strengthening cell membranes, promoting new cell growth, and bolstering the production of brain chemicals.

No Processed Foods

I've already touched on this some, but I will say it again. Most ready-made snacks you buy at the store are loaded with ingredients that will harm your child. Especially in the United States. There are hundreds of ingredients used in the states that have been banned in many other countries. Rule of thumb: stay out of most of the aisles at the grocery store, and stick to the outer walls.

Things like crackers, most chips, fig bars, rice crispy treats, cereals (marketed towards children), and cookies are absolutely loaded with dyes, synthetic sugars, gluten, pesticides, corn syrup, genetically modified ingredients, and synthetic vitamins and minerals. Just don't.

Minimal To No Dairy

This is such a tough pill to swallow for many for some reason. You do not need dairy in your diet, and I'll tell you why. Vitamin D is added to dairy. It is not there naturally. Calcium can be obtained from many other foods. Even if you are consuming unpasteurized dairy, it still contains hormones that are specific to baby cows' chemical makeup. When consuming these yourself, it will cause hormonal disruption in your body over time. Yes, we do still consume organic cheese from time to time, but I make a point of not buying it at the store. I have replaced cow's milk with coconut milk. I even started making my own. It is very simple and much more cost-effective than buying it at the store. Watch my TikTok video on how I make organic coconut milk for approximately $1.50 per quart!

Vitamin D

You need to have your child take a vitamin D supplement. Finding the D3+K2 supplements will allow for the highest absorption. They can be pricey, though. Vitamin D deficiency in people nowadays should absolutely be labeled a health crisis. These low levels cause an increase in autoimmune disorders such as autism, dementia, MS, along with a multitude of others. You should be taking higher doses during the winter months for obvious reasons. The amount you take and give to your child is up to you, but the body has been found to benefit from high amounts, upwards of 1,000 IU or more.

B Vitamins

I've gone into great detail on b vitamins in this article. Please give it a read. I have yet to find a B complex supplement that I approve of. Certain b vitamins can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, herbs, and roots. That is what I am sticking to for now. My son takes a fruit and vegetable powder supplement that I simply mix in with some juice as well as having a diet rich in vitamin B.

Turmeric And Ginger

You can find these roots in powder form for affordable prices. They can be hidden in smoothies and juice. I use them in my cooking as well. They are not only great for cognitive health but are incredibly powerful antimicrobials. Turmeric stimulates neural stem cell regeneration. This slows down "aging" of the brain. Ginger is rich in antioxidants which help to detox the brain of heavy metal buildup. It also helps to balance brain chemicals.


Supergreens, such as moringa, spirulina, wheatgrass, parsley, and cilantro, are incredible for helping to cleanse your blood and providing your body with a multitude of vitamins and minerals that it desperately needs. When the body is lacking nutrients, it cannot function properly. My son takes a parsley root tincture daily. I am also able to mix supergreen powders into his smoothies or juice. Here is a great recipe for a spirulina and blueberry detox smoothie. Your child will not even know it's in there. Again, check out my TikTok for a few other detox smoothie recipes that are packed with nutrients and taste great!

Sea Moss Gel

This is another wonderful plant that you should look into. It contains almost all of the minerals that our bodies are comprised of. You only need about 1 tablespoon per day, typically 1 teaspoon for children. I have found that it is more cost-effective to buy it dried out, rehydrate, and then blend with water to make your own gel. I have also started adding sliced citrus as I rehydrate to make it easier to drink. You can add it to smoothies, or even cooking, and it's relatively tasteless.

Vitamin C (NOT From Ascorbic Acid)

You may have a hard time finding vitamin c that is not from ascorbic acid. This acid is a synthetic form of the vitamin that cannot be properly absorbed by the body. We take Garden of Life Vitamin C spray. It is the vitamin obtained from a blend of fruits and vegetables. It is a little pricey though. If I find something better in the future, I will add it. I have also found Baobab powder. This is a tropical superfruit native to Africa and Australia. It is loaded with vitamin c and fiber. A great addition for smoothies or juices.

This may seem like overload at this point, but you need to consider changing your mindset on how you consume. It can be a process but a welcomed one in the end.


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