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Writer's pictureTeresa

Serious About Getting Healthy? Consider Giving Up These Things

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

People frequently talk to me about being healthy, running 2+ miles every day, and working out in the gym for hours on end. It's wonderful that people have that drive, it really is. Their thinking is a little narrow-minded, though. I can see they are still partaking in things that toxify their bodies and do nothing for their internal health. I do not think most people even consider how damaging some of their daily and weekly practices are.

I have had people in my life die suddenly. Everyone thought they were the beacon of health, exercising and eating right. It is obviously not sufficient. I cannot stress that enough. You must be eating organic. You must be taking organic supplements. You must also cut-out many other things that introduce toxins and poisons into your body on a daily basis. I have compiled a few practices for you to consider giving up if you are really serious about turning your life around. If you want to live longer and rid your body of disease, I implore you to keep reading.

Quit Getting Your Nails Done

This was not always obvious to me, but once I started getting serious about this lifestyle, I began to find out how dangerous this habit is. The chemicals used in nail polish and acrylics is absolutely staggering. It seeps into your body through your nails and does serious damage to your metabolic and reproductive system. That is only skimming the surface, really. It's enough for me, though, to say buh-bye! If you know what my blog is about, you will know that I am doing my best to walk away from a material life. If you absolutely MUST get your nails done, stay away from acrylic and look into toxic-free products.

Same Goes For Hair

My mother has gotten her hair colored every six weeks since the early 80s. I can only imagine what that has done to her insides. She will never listen to me, though, and it's a shame. Hair dye, just like nail polish, is full of toxic ingredients. It goes into your scalp and gets absorbed into your bloodstream. I get it. You hate your hair color, or you're covering up grays. Again, try to stop putting so much emphasis on vanity. Believe it or not, there are natural remedies out there to promote hair growth and get rid of grays. Don't be afraid to test out a few. It never hurts to try.

Stop Buying Cosmetics, Topical Products, And Hair Products

Learn how to make your own products. It saves you TONS of money, it's fun, and it's a great skill to have under your belt. One day you may not have access to these luxuries. Then what are you going to do? Become independent and learn how to do this on your own. There are MILLIONS of recipes out there for everything you buy at the store using only natural ingredients. You can even make your own cosmetics from things in your kitchen! I think that is fascinating. Every time I run out of something, I look to replace it with a natural product. Not every recipe I try goes over swimmingly, so I experiment and sometimes try several until I find the perfect one.

Just Get Rid Of Your Microwave

Gasp! What did she just say?! Yup, chuck it! I fell into this one by accident and will never look back. The rental we had did not have a microwave. We really did not notice this until we moved in. You know what? We adapted and we loved it. It promotes healthier eating when you cannot buy microwave ready-made food from the store. That stuff is absolute crap anyway! When heating up leftovers, microwaves make your food take on a gag-alicious taste and texture. Not to mention those high heats and frequencies zap all nutritional value from the food and the electromagnetic radiation the thing puts off causes great bodily harm. Those warnings that stay at the back of your mind are all true. If you need to heat something up, just do it on the stovetop or directly in the oven. I have oven-safe plates and will stick them in at about 170-200 degrees until they are heated through. Sure, it takes longer, but I put my health before convenience on the daily. You should too.

Replace Plastic With Glass And Wood

BPA-free plastic really means nothing. Just because bisphenol-A was banned in many products, there are still other compounds present such as polypropylene. Microwaving plastic is not the only way these compounds are introduced into your system. Simply by handling these products, these chemicals get absorbed through your skin and affect your hormone levels, especially in men.

There is a significant problem with men and low testosterone levels that has greatly picked up steam since the wide household use of plastics became more popular in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. Low testosterone in men leads to hair loss, depression and anxiety, weight gain, diabetes, infertility, Alzheimer's, and cancer....just to name a few! All men nowadays should get tested for this and begin taking necessary amounts of vitamin D, C, B complex, and Maca root on top of many other needed vitamins and minerals that our daily diets no longer provide for us. There are many other supplements in this article that will help to raise testosterone naturally.

Use wooden cutting boards instead of plastic or silicone ones. When using plastic, you risk contaminating your food with microplastics. Over time these microplastics accumulate in your body and seep into your bloodstream, which in turn causes a slew of chronic issues.

Stop Going To The Med Spa

I should not even have to state this, but I will. When you get lip injections, botox, or fillers in your face, you are literally shooting poison directly into yourself. You really think that 3-hour workout this morning is doing anything for you at that point? Wake up. Stop putting so much emphasis on appearance and treat your body with more respect. Here's an eye-opening article for those who can't seem to put the needle down. Aging does not have to be something you take lying down. Simply live a TRULY healthy lifestyle and use natural skincare products that you make yourself, and watch your skin become more agreeable.

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

This is very easy to accomplish and these homemade products smell a lot better too! I can no longer stomach the smell of store-bought cleaning products. As I have been running out of them, again I look to replace them with natural products. This way, I will slowly transition my home into a natural and organic household, while staying on budget. You already have most of the ingredients needed right in your kitchen. You will find that there are a lot of the same recipes your grandparents and great-grandparents utilized themselves. Have at it!


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